Booking Form Your First Name (required) Your Mobile Number (required) Your Email (required) Preferred method of contact (required) textcallemail Do you require girls for Waitressing? (required) Lingerie/bikiniToplessTopless Poker DealingTiny G-stringTiny G-string Poker DealingNudeNude Poker DealingNo thank you How many waitresses do you require? Do you require girls for Shows? (required) G-stringNudeOpen legStrawberries and creamNatural masturbationPearl and PopXXX showsNo Thank you Which suburb will your event be held in? (required) What is the date of your event? - Use DD/MM/YYYY format. *If you are unsure of the date or time just choose an estimate and put details in the message box at the bottom of the form. We will confirm dates and times before compiling a list of available staff. Booking start time: Booking finish times: If you have specific needs please use this area to let us know. I am human 3.6/5 (32 Reviews)